Table 1. Summary of model selection results for mortality of Mountain Plover (Charadrius montanus) tending broods in the eastern plains of Colorado, USA, 2004-2006. Models presented in ascending order by Akaike’s Information Criterion (AICc), with ΔAICc indicating the difference between each model and the model with the lowest AICc value and wi representing the AICc weight and K the number of parameters in the model. ‘+’ denotes the parameter had an additive effect of two covariates; ‘.’ represents the parameter as held constant, ‘habitat’ varied by habitat type, ‘sex’ varied by sex of the adult, and ‘weight’ varied by weight of the adult at capture.

Fidelity Movement Mortality Live Recapture Dead Recovery K AICc ∆AICc wi
. Habitat . . . 7 1888.02 0.00 0.54
. Habitat + Sex . . . 8 1889.63 1.61 0.24
. Habitat Habitat . . 9 1890.66 2.64 0.14
. Habitat + Sex Habitat + Sex . . 11 1891.86 3.84 0.08
. . Sex . . 6 1932.60 44.58 0.00
. . . . . 5 1932.97 44.95 0.00
. Sex Sex . . 7 1933.83 45.81 0.00
. Sex . . . 6 1934.25 46.24 0.00
. . Weight . . 6 1934.61 46.59 0.00
. . Habitat + Sex . . 8 1935.24 47.22 0.00
. . Habitat . . 7 1935.61 47.59 0.00
. . Habitat + Weight . . 8 1937.26 49.24 0.00