Table 2. A comparison of the Hooded Warbler and Ovenbird parameter estimates (standard errors) for a random singing model – constant random temporary emigration model, with observer dependent detection probabilities constant over time intervals. The population of birds that sing at least once in eight minutes is N = 100. Estimates and standard errors found with B = 500 bootstrap samples.

Parameters Parameter Estimates
Hooded Warbler Ovenbird
N 101.12 (3.98) 93.769 (3.84)
pa 0.9109 (0.0147) 0.7416 (0.0150)
pd1 0.8909 (0.0104) 0.8436 (0.0109)
pd2 0.9451 (0.0081) 0.9113 (0.0088)