Table 1. Model selection for the Hooded Warbler using the AIC Criteria. The model set includes temporary emigration process being none or random. Conditional detection probability is interval varying (t), observer varying (o), and or constant (.).

Model AICc ΔAICc AICc Weights Num. Par
γ (rand), p (.,o) 213.22 0 0.865 3
γ (rand), p (.,.) 218.08 4.86 0.076 2
γ (rand), p (t,.) 218.67 5.45 0.057 5
γ (rand), p (t,o) 225.12 11.9 0.002 9
γ (none), p (.,o) 291.11 77.89 0 2
γ (none), p (.,.) 292.18 78.96 0 1
γ (none), p (t,.) 296.18 82.96 0 4
γ (none), p (t,o) 304.15 90.93 0 8