Table 6. Percentage overestimate (positive values) or underestimate (negative values) of the total population sizes of five avian species of management interest by estimates made in roadside buffers in five years.

Buffer width Year Eastern Towhee
(Pipilo erythrophthalmus)
European Starling
(Sturnus vulgaris)
Kentucky Warbler
(Oporornis formosus)
Prairie Warbler
(Dendroica discolor)
Wood Thrush
(Hylocichla mustelina)
50 m 1980 36.7 223.5 –10.7 –15.8 1.7
1990 65.7 265.7 –15.8 –18.4 2.5
1997 45.7 171.4 –15.1 –24.5 3.5
2000 15.9 164.9 –12.3 –38.4 5.0
2003 9.9 137.4 –12.6 –41.8 6.5
200 m 1980 22.1 129.4 –5.5 –11.8 2.3
1990 44.3 188.7 –10.3 –25.6 3.2
1997 33.3 117.4 –9.8 –17.5 3.7
2000 9.3 112.2 –7.2 –30.4 5.0
2003 2.1 92.9 –6.5 –37.0 6.4
400 m 1980 7.3 64.2 –2.1 –11.7 1.8
1990 15.3 96.3 –3.9 –32.2 3.6
1997 18.8 76.0 –5.8 –17.5 3.3
2000 2.4 71.8 –3.3 –26.0 4.6
2003 –2.7 60.2 –2.4 –30.9 5.9