Table 2. Definitions of land cover categories in the fine-resolution vector data set, and correspondence between the land cover categories in the fine- and coarse-resolution data sets.

Vector layer category Definition of vector layer category LandSat raster category
Mature native forest Deciduous forest at least 40 yr old with 70–100% intact forest canopy
Oak (Quercus spp.)-hickory (Carya spp.) forest predominates
Understory of immature trees, blueberry (Vaccinium spp.), greenbriar (Smilax spp.), and sassafras (Sassafras albidum).
Upland deciduous forest and Upland mixed forest
Thinned native forest Mature forest at least 40 yr old with 30–90% of the canopy removed
Has not been subjected to burning, herbicides, or bulldozing
Portions are considered early successional
Upland deciduous forest
Early-stage pine plantation Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) plantation with seedlings < 0.5 m in height
Ground has been bared by one or more site preparation techniques: burning, herbicides, and/or bulldozing
No other visible plants or only sparse growth of ragweed (Ambrosia spp.) and grasses
Is considered early successional
Middle-stage pine plantation Loblolly pine 0.5–2 m in height
Open canopy
Dense grasses, forbs, and Rubus spp. between pines
Is considered early successional
Upland coniferous forest
Mature pine plantation Closed canopy of loblolly pine > 2 m in height
Sparse understory of sassafras, maple (Acer spp.), and blueberry
Upland coniferous forest
Residential/rural Ranges from suburban (e.g., strip malls, housing developments), through exurban, to rural (i.e., farmhouses scattered in a mixture of pasture and woodland) Urban/developed, Pasture/grassland, and Row crop
n/a† Composed < 1% of the study area and was not included as a land cover Forested wetland
n/a† Composed < 1% of the study area and was not included as a land cover Nonforested wetland
Reservoir Composed < 1% of the study area and was not included as a land cover Open water and Undefined (i.e., satellite image obstructed by clouds)
†Not applicable.