Table 1. Summary of the main findings of previous studies of bias in the North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS).

Author and year Focus of study Main findings
Faanes and Bystrak 1981 Differences in hearing ability and observer expertise In general, well-trained observers are comparable in their ability, whereas observers that are inadequately trained in bird identification provide significantly different BBS results than do qualified observers
Scott and Ramsey 1981 Effects of multiple species on accurate detection Observers that recorded fewer species counted more individuals than did observers that recorded all species in the same area
Bart and Schoultz 1984 Effects of multiple individuals on accurate detection In bird song simulations, as the number of singing birds increased from one to four, the proportion of individuals recorded declined by up to 50%
Emlen and DeJong 1992 Differences in hearing ability Comparisons of audiograms of people’s hearing to spectograms of birdsong demonstrate that older people have large deficiencies in hearing and thus older surveyors provide incomplete and biased information to the BBS
Link and Sauer 1994 Analytical methods bias and survey design The usual method of BBS population trend analysis (i.e., taking the logarithm of bird counts in a regression analysis) works well for abundant species, but not for uncommon species; a new estimating equation makes trend estimates of uncommon species more accurate
Sauer et al. 1994 Change in observer skill over time Failure to recognize changes in observer skill over time results in overly optimistic estimates of bird populations
Bart et al. 1995 Representativeness of roadside habitat There was very low bias in estimates of habitat change (< 1%) along roads compared to away from roads, although there was significantly less forest cover near roads than in the surrounding region
Hanowski and Niemi 1995 Differential bird incidence along roads On average, on-road point counts recorded 2.5 more species and 3.5 more individuals than did nearby off-road point counts; 20 species were more abundant on roads, whereas five species were more abundant off-road
Hutto et al. 1995 Differential bird incidence along roads Very few species were recorded at only on- or off-road point counts, but the mean species richness at a given point count was significantly greater at on-road points
Keller and Fuller 1995 Differential bird incidence along roads On-road point counts recorded more edge species, but not lower numbers of interior forest species than did off-road point counts; more individuals and species were recorded at on-road counts because of the higher number of edge species
Rotenberry and Knick 1995 Differential bird incidence along roads In shrubsteppe and grassland, only one species was differentially abundant at either on- or off-road points, suggesting that roads do not create as significant a habitat discontinuity in grassland habitats as in forested habitats
James et al. 1996 Change in observer skill over time Nonlinear regressions are ideal for BBS trend analysis because they require few assumptions about a population curve through time, they produce population estimates for which the statistical significance can be tested, and they allow the inclusion of bias covariates in the analysis
Kendall et al. 1996 Change in observer skill over time Failure to recognize changes in observer skill over time results in overly optimistic estimates of bird populations
Link and Sauer 1998 Analytical methods bias and survey design Bias, such as differences in BBS observers, is inevitable in surveys and must be taken into account to ensure credible results; an effective way to account for BBS bias is to include it as a covariate in the trend analysis
Keller and Scallan 1999 Representativeness of roadside habitat Land cover changes near BBS routes generally also occurred away from routes, although significantly more urban cover occurred along routes than in the surrounding landscape in Maryland, but not in Ohio
Bart et al. 2003 Analytical methods bias and survey design A linear model of population trend analysis that is design based, not model based, shows very little bias, unlike, at least in some cases, the estimating equation approach
Bart et al. 2004a Analytical methods bias and survey design Current bias in the BBS is 0.008%; if the number of routes is increased to 5106 (i.e., by 40%), the bias will be decreased to 0.003%
Bart et al. 2004b Analytical methods: reply to Sauer et al. (2004) Observer effects can be accounted for before performing the trend estimation analysis; sometimes it is unnecessary to account for observer effects, and including these effects may even result in greater bias
Lawler and O’Connor 2004 Sampling bias of large-scale environments High elevations and arid regions are underrepresented by the BBS, whereas northeastern deciduous forest is overrepresented; however, when the area of comparison is narrowed to BBS-defined physiogeographic regions and U.S. states, the differences are smaller
Sauer et al. 2004 Analytical methods: critique of Bart et al. (2003) Bart et al. (2003)’s design-based analysis does not control for factors that influence bird detection such as observer effects; the analysis consequently incurs significant bias in trend estimation
Bart et al. 2005 Analytical methods bias and survey design Increasing the number of BBS routes in the Pacific Northwest region of the U.S. and Canada would increase the number of species covered and decrease bias
Sauer et al. 2005b Analytical methods: critique of Bart et al. (2004a) Bart et al.’s (2004a) analysis has three flaws: their view of the uses of BBS data is overly simplistic, their model incorporates poorly supported bias estimates and is therefore statistically weak, and their trend analysis is flawed for several reasons
Francis et al. 2005 Analytical methods: reply to Sauer et al. (2005a) The authors acknowledge that the BBS should meet multiple objectives, but they reaffirm that estimating bird population trends is of fundamental importance; the authors reiterate that efforts to reduce bias, to recognize that all bias cannot be eliminated, and to increase the number of routes would positively influence the BBS
Betts et al. 2007 Representativeness of roadside habitat The roadside land cover sampling bias of the BBS may prevent the detection of population changes in forest-based bird species
Harris and Haskell results herein Representativeness of roadside habitat Roadside surveys in Tennessee give a biased representation of land cover in the region; these biases change over time and distort simulated bird population trends