Volume 18, Issue 2
Dec 2023
Short Communication
Research Paper
Post-fledging survival, movement patterns, and habitat associations of Bendire’s Thrashers (Toxostoma bendirei) in the Chihuahuan Desert PDF
Conservation-related knowledge, interactions, and attitudes of local people toward Grey Crowned-Cranes (Balearica regulorum) in Tanzania PDF
Habitat associations of Golden-winged Warblers and Blue-winged Warblers during the non-breeding season PDF
Spatial segregation between Gray-cheeked Thrush and an introduced nest predator in a managed forest landscape PDF
Accurate abundance estimation of cliff-breeding Bounty Island shags using drone-based 2D and 3D photogrammetry PDF
Full-service hotels, convenience stores, or fire escapes? Evaluating the functional role of stopover sites for Neotropical migrants following passage across the Gulf of Mexico in autumn PDF
Redistribution of wintering American Common Eiders (Somateria mollisima dresseri) PDF
Vegetation associations of riparian birds in successional woodlands along the regulated Missouri River PDF
Optimizing survey timing for detecting a declining aerial insectivore, the Black Swift (Cypseloides niger borealis ) PDF
Accounting for misclassification of subspecies provides insights about habitat use and dynamics of the Florida Grasshopper Sparrow in response to fire PDF
Light-level geolocation reveals moderate levels of migratory connectivity for declining and stable populations of Black-throated Blue Warblers (Setophaga caerulescens) PDF
Snowy Owls in central North America have regular migration and high philopatry to wintering sites though not always to home ranges PDF
Seasonal variation in drivers of bird-window collisions on the west coast of British Columbia, Canada PDF
Feather isotopes (δ2Hf) and morphometrics reveal population-specific migration patterns of the Blackpoll Warbler (Setophaga striata) PDF
Evidence of a load-lightening helper effect in Florida Scrub-Jays: implications for translocation PDF