Volume 14, Issue 1
Jun 2019
Research Paper
What land use better preserves taxonomic and functional diversity of birds in a grassland biome? PDF
Trade-offs relating to grassland and forest mine reclamation approaches in the central Appalachian region and implications for the songbird community PDF
Influence of microhabitat on Honduran Emerald (Amazilia luciae) abundance in tropical dry forest remnants PDF
Estimating uncertainty of North American landbird population sizes PDF
Broad-scale habitat use by fledgling Black-capped Vireo PDF
Diurnal habitat selection of migrating Whooping Crane in the Great Plains PDF
Effects of patch-burn grazing on breeding density and territory size of Dickcissels PDF
Timing matters: cloud cover and date influence probability of detecting nesting Chimney Swifts (Chaetura pelagica) PDF
Recovery of bird activity and species richness in an early-stage tropical forest restoration PDF
Delivery rates and prey use of Mountain Bluebirds in grassland and clear-cut habitats PDF
Identifying the migratory strategy of the Lower Colorado River Valley population of Greater Sandhill Cranes PDF
Special Feature
Regional variation in responses of wetland-associated bird communities to conversion of boreal forest to agriculture PDF
Narrowness of habitat selection in woodland and grassland birds PDF
Special Feature
Estimating the conservation value of protected areas in Maritime Canada for two species at risk: the Olive-sided Flycatcher (Contopus cooperi) and Canada Warbler (Cardellina canadensis) PDF
Few detections of Black-backed Woodpeckers (Picoides arcticus) in extreme wildfires in the Sierra Nevada PDF
Spatio-temporal population change of Arctic-breeding waterbirds on the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska PDF
Irruptions: evidence for breeding season habitat limitation in Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus) PDF