8 Articles tagged with "survival"
Survival of fallen and returned rooftop nesting Least Tern chicksPDF
Postfledging habitat selection and survival of Henslow’s Sparrow: management implications for a critical life stagePDF
Detecting capture-related mortality in radio-marked birds following releasePDF
Interior Least Tern and Piping Plover nest and brood survival at managed, off-channel sites along the central Platte River, Nebraska, USA 2001-2015PDF
Density dependence and phenological mismatch: consequences for growth and survival of sub-arctic nesting Canada GeesePDF
Bachman’s Sparrow (Peucaea aestivalis) response to variation in the extent of burns conducted during the nesting seasonPDF
Population Change in a Marine Bird Colony is Driven By Changes in RecruitmentPDF
Contrasting Seasonal Survivorship of Two Migratory Songbirds Wintering in Threatened Mangrove ForestsPDF