8 Articles tagged with "songbirds"
Full-service hotels, convenience stores, or fire escapes? Evaluating the functional role of stopover sites for Neotropical migrants following passage across the Gulf of Mexico in autumnPDF
Trends in avian use of reclaimed boreal forest habitat in Canada’s oil sandsPDF
The abundance of Greater Sage-Grouse as a proxy for the abundance of sagebrush-associated songbirds in Wyoming, USAPDF
Spring migration of Blackpoll Warblers across North AmericaPDF
Using a natural reference system to evaluate songbird habitat restorationPDF
Special Feature
Survival of Adult Songbirds in Boreal Forest Landscapes Fragmented by Clearcuts and Natural OpeningsPDF
Scale and Sensitivity of Songbird Occurrence to Landscape Structure in a Harvested Boreal ForestPDF
Sea Surface Temperatures Mediated by the El Niño-Southern Oscillation Affect Birds Breeding in Temperate Coastal Rain ForestsPDF