11 Articles tagged with "population dynamics"
Over-summering as a risk effect reducing population growth in a long-distance migrant shorebirdPDF
Before-and-after evidence that urbanization contributes to the decline of a migratory songbirdPDF
Identifying spatial drivers of long-term population growth in three large gull species: the importance of mink farms and urban areasPDF
An artificial lakes system intended for human recreation supports a vital breeding population of Red-wattled Lapwing in the Arabian DesertPDF
Using continental-scale bird banding data to estimate demographic migratory patterns for Rufous Hummingbird (Selasphorus rufus)PDF
Long-term changes in the abundance and breeding success of raptors and ravens in periods of varying management of a Scottish grouse moorPDF
Changes in spring arrival date and timing of breeding of Ring-billed Gulls in southern Québec over four decadesPDF
Population Change in a Marine Bird Colony is Driven By Changes in RecruitmentPDF
Contrasting Population Trends at Two Razorbill Colonies in Atlantic Canada: Additive Effects of Fox Predation and Hunting Mortality?PDF
Lesser Scaup Population Dynamics: What Can Be Learned from Available Data?PDF