10 Articles tagged with "passive acoustic monitoring"
Environmental relationships, decadal changes, and regional decline of Eastern Whip-poor-will (Antrostomus vociferus) and Chuck-will’s-widow (Antrostomus carolinensis)PDF
Using autonomous recording units for vocal individuality: insights from Barred Owl identificationPDF
Evaluating trade-offs in spatial versus temporal replication when estimating avian community composition and predicting species distributionsPDF
Weak support for cumulative effects of industrial disturbance on three owl species in Alberta’s boreal forestPDF
Factors associated with automated detection of Northern Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) four-note location callsPDF
In the still of the night: revisiting Eastern Whip-poor-will surveys with passive acoustic monitoringPDF
Monitoring migration timing in remote habitats: assessing the value of extended duration audio recordingPDF
Bioacoustic analyses reveal that bird communities recover with forest succession in tropical dry forestsPDF
Establishing the adequacy of recorded acoustic surveys of forest bird assemblagesPDF
Special Feature
Autonomous recording units in avian ecological research: current use and future applicationsPDF