22 Articles tagged with "habitat"
Nesting Mottled Duck (Anas fulvigula) selection of ungrazed grasslands in southwestern Louisiana is associated with increased nest survivalPDF
Post-hatching behavior and dispersal of globally vulnerable Moluccan scrubfowl Eulipoa wallacei on Haruku Island, IndonesiaPDF
Experimental evidence suggests that broadcasting rail calls overnight can influence broad-scale site selection by migrating railsPDF
Spatial segregation between Gray-cheeked Thrush and an introduced nest predator in a managed forest landscapePDF
Raptors benefit from biosolids applications on rangelandsPDF
Minor interspecies differences in breeding phenology and productivity between two co-occurring aerial insectivoresPDF
Diurnal and nocturnal habitat preference of Eastern Whip-poor-wills (Antrostomus vociferus) in the northern portion of their breeding rangePDF
Breeding population decline and associations with nest site use of Leach’s Storm-Petrels on Kent Island, New Brunswick from 2001 to 2018PDF
Special Feature
Assessing breeding duck population trends relative to anthropogenic disturbances across the boreal plains of Canada, 1960–2007PDF
Model transferability and implications for woodland management: a case study of Pinyon Jay nesting habitatPDF