20 Articles tagged with "forest management"
Response of corvid nest predators to thinning: implications for balancing short- and long-term goals for restoration of forest habitatPDF
Spatial segregation between Gray-cheeked Thrush and an introduced nest predator in a managed forest landscapePDF
Habitat use of conifer forests for Interior Band-tailed Pigeons is mediated by precipitationPDF
Avian response to plant community composition and structure in regenerating timber harvests protected by ungulate exclusion fencingPDF
Marbled Murrelet nest site selection at three fine spatial scalesPDF
Cross-scale habitat selection reveals within-stand structural requirements for fledgling Golden-winged WarblersPDF
Long-term responses of birds to the creation of a community fuel break in the western boreal forest of Canada: implications for management within protected areasPDF
Bicknell’s Thrush (Catharus bicknelli) habitat occupancy in Québec’s Laurentian HighlandsPDF
Prothonotary Warbler demography and nest site selection in natural and artificial cavities in bottomland forests of Arkansas, USAPDF
How well does forestry in Ontario’s boreal forest emulate natural disturbances from the perspective of birds?PDF