7 Articles tagged with "dispersal"
Functional connectivity of managed forest landscapes for the Ovenbird: an experimental assessment of within-patch movement behaviorPDF
Site-infidelity by budworm-linked warblers at the edge of an area defoliated by spruce budwormPDF
Few detections of Black-backed Woodpeckers (Picoides arcticus) in extreme wildfires in the Sierra NevadaPDF
Determinants of traffic mortality of Barn Owls (Tyto alba) in Friesland, The NetherlandsPDF
Postbreeding dispersal and staging of Common and Arctic Terns throughout the western North AtlanticPDF
Suburban immigrants to wildlands disrupt honest signaling in ultra-violet plumagePDF
Understanding Demographic and Behavioral Mechanisms that Guide Responses of Neotropical Migratory Birds to Urbanization: a Simulation ApproachPDF