17 Articles tagged with "citizen science"
Spatial and within-season variation in the diet of a declining seabird described through digital photography and citizen sciencePDF
Redistribution of wintering American Common Eiders (Somateria mollisima dresseri)PDF
Using Breeding Bird Survey and eBird data to improve marsh bird monitoring abundance indices and trendsPDF
Migratory songbirds and urban window collision mortality: vulnerability depends on species, diel timing of migration, and age classPDF
In the still of the night: revisiting Eastern Whip-poor-will surveys with passive acoustic monitoringPDF
Spatially explicit population trend estimates of owls in the Maritime provinces of Canada and the influence of call playbackPDF
Mapping habitat suitability for the Eastern Black Rail throughout its Atlantic coastal range using maximum entropy (MaxEnt)PDF
Twenty years of coastal waterbird trends suggest regional patterns of environmental pressure in British Columbia, CanadaPDF
Evaluating the efficacy of eBird data for modeling historical population trajectories of North American birds and for monitoring populations of boreal and Arctic breeding speciesPDF
Timing matters: cloud cover and date influence probability of detecting nesting Chimney Swifts (Chaetura pelagica)PDF