20 Articles tagged with "boreal forest"
Evaluating trade-offs in spatial versus temporal replication when estimating avian community composition and predicting species distributionsPDF
In the twilight zone: patterns in Common Nighthawk (Chordeiles minor) acoustic signals during the breeding season and recommendations for surveysPDF
An efficient method for sampling aerial arthropods at nest sites of an insectivorous songbird in steep declinePDF
Evaluating the efficacy of eBird data for modeling historical population trajectories of North American birds and for monitoring populations of boreal and Arctic breeding speciesPDF
Special Feature
Toward actionable, coproduced research on boreal birds focused on building respectful partnershipsPDF
Special Feature
Monitoring boreal avian populations: how can we estimate trends and trajectories from noisy data?PDF
Special Feature
Pathways for avian science, conservation, and management in boreal AlaskaPDF
Use of an acoustic location system to understand how presence of conspecifics and canopy cover influence Ovenbird (Seiurus aurocapilla) space use near reclaimed wellsites in the boreal forest of AlbertaPDF
Temporal changes in avian abundance in aspen-dominated boreal mixedwood forests of central Saskatchewan, CanadaPDF
Special Feature
Potential benefits of augmenting road-based breeding bird surveys with autonomous recordingsPDF