9 Articles tagged with "autonomous recording unit"
Evaluating trade-offs in spatial versus temporal replication when estimating avian community composition and predicting species distributionsPDF
Weak support for cumulative effects of industrial disturbance on three owl species in Alberta’s boreal forestPDF
In the twilight zone: patterns in Common Nighthawk (Chordeiles minor) acoustic signals during the breeding season and recommendations for surveysPDF
Assessment of cue counting for estimating bird density using passive acoustic monitoring: recommendations for estimating a reliable cue ratePDF
Eastern Black Rail detection using semi-automated analysis of long-duration acoustic recordingsPDF
Integrating wetland bird point count data from humans and acoustic recordersPDF
Special Feature
Recommendations for acoustic recognizer performance assessment with application to five common automated signal recognition programsPDF
Special Feature
Paired sampling standardizes point count data from humans and acoustic recordersPDF
Special Feature
Experimentally derived detection distances from audio recordings and human observers enable integrated analysis of point count dataPDF