590 Articles tagged with "Uncategorized"
Radio transmitters do not influence physiological traits of wintering Grasshopper Sparrows (Ammodramus savannarum) in the Chihuahuan Desert of MexicoPDF
Time of day, water coverage, and pond type impact waterbird abundance in aquaculture ponds in TaiwanPDF
Habitat-related bird community responses in northwest Panay, PhilippinesPDF
Night-migratory songbird density is highest at stopover sites with intermediate forest cover and low proportion of forest in conifers in the surrounding landscapePDF
Experimental evidence suggests that broadcasting rail calls overnight can influence broad-scale site selection by migrating railsPDF
Spatial and within-season variation in the diet of a declining seabird described through digital photography and citizen sciencePDF
A new method to estimate abundance of Australasian Bittern (Botaurus poiciloptilus) from acoustic recordingsPDF
Intermittent and chronic noise impacts on hatching success and incubation behavior of Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis)PDF
Abundance of Long-billed Curlews on military lands in the Columbia BasinPDF
Geolocators, stable isotopes, and citizen science identify migratory timing, route, and spring molt of Smith’s LongspursPDF