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Christopher G. Guglielmo
First published in Avian Conservation and Ecology in 2017
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2 published articles
May 2022
Migratory songbirds and urban window collision mortality: vulnerability depends on species, diel timing of migration, and age class
Mar 2017
The Motus Wildlife Tracking System: a collaborative research network to enhance the understanding of wildlife movement
Philip D. Taylor, Tara L. Crewe, Stuart A. Mackenzie, Denis Lepage, Yves Aubry, Zoe Crysler, George Finney, Charles M. Francis, Christopher G Guglielmo, Diana J. Hamilton, Rebecca L. Holberton, Pamela H. Loring, Greg W Mitchell, D. Ryan Norris, Julie Paquet, Robert A. Ronconi, Jennifer R. Smetzer, Paul A. Smith, Linda J. Welch, Bradley K. Woodworth